Physical design elements play an important role in promoting social cohesion by including a mix of housing types, uses and density that encourages pedestrian use, public spaces that draw people together, and well located social services . . . .
Street based, multi-use, employment rich, sustainably accessed places with opportunities for urban living, should henceforth become the model for growth area activity centres, in place of private shopping malls separated from their hinterland by large car parks . . . .
POSSIBILITIES IN TARNEIT Current planning in Tarneit enables retail and other uses to determine urban structure and built form. Alarge shopping centre has been built as well as a commuter railway station but the site identified for a town centre remains undeveloped. The possible layout on the right below shows the existing railway station (yellow) along with the area one kilometre from the station (red circle) and the existing shopping centre (blue). The orange rectangles indicate a future Main Street and High Street. Both are well-connected to surrounding areas and these links provide the “armature” for future business location. . . . The urban structure provides for a wider range and diversity of housing types and is a better use of land close to the public transport node. . . . Active frontage is optimised by the introduction of rear laneways . . . . Development faces onto important natural environments such as creek environs providing a high level of passive surveillance which leads to improved safety outcomes . . . .
CURRENT PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POSSIBLE LAYOUT
The design of the circulation and local movement systems have primarily focused on the efficient movement of vehicles rather than people. A return to employment focused high streets will require the redesign of circulation and movement systems for neighbourhoods to make walking, cycling or a short public transport trip the most used means of access to local destinations. Vibrant and sustainable communities will offer a range of jobs and services that support local living. These communities will be characterised by housing and population densities that make local services and transport viable and are able to facilitate thriving local economies.
Extensive evidence exists that the quality of our physical, natural and social environments influences our sense of personal satisfaction and wellbeing. Liveable neighbourhoods, defined in terms of such attractive environments, increase self-reliance and adjustment, and reduces the need for social support and negative outcomes such as crime, unhealthy lifestyles and anti-social behaviour.
Social cohesion
Social contact and cohesion are facilitated by physical elements including small scale, well-designed neighbourhoods; a mix of housing types and density; a mix of residential uses with shops and services; streets, pathways and layouts that encourage pedestrian use; and public spaces that draw people together.